Lviv is in the orange zone now. Which restrictions come into force this week

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Lviv region moves to the orange quarantine zone due to the increasing number of hospitalised patients with coronavirus, According to the Lviv region’s chief epidemiologist Natalia Timko-Ivanchenko, with the current dynamics of hospitalisation, the region has crossed the autumn 2020 level and now is catching up with the wave of spring 2021.
Photo by Külli Kittus on Unsplash

Photo by Külli Kittus on Unsplash

The orange zone does not provide for additional restrictions but indicates that the Lviv region is approaching the red quarantine zone.

This week, from October 14, quarantine restrictions will be tightened in Lviv. In particular, the city will suspend mass entertainment events, and there will be a mandatory mask regime for businesses. As for the latter, visitors of the malls will be required to stay in masks, and temperature screening and physical distance must be exercised. Another condition is that all employees in catering establishments must be 100% vaccinated or have a negative PCR test.

In addition, City Mayor Andrii Sadovyi doesn’t rule out the situation when only vaccinated visitors with a Covid-certificate or a PCR test will be able to enter a cafe, restaurant or mall during times of heightened caution

Also, from October 18, students in grades 5-11 will be moved to distance learning for a week. Primary classes and kindergartens continue studying in classes.

Translated by Vitalii Holich


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