How the message «to keep politics out of sport» becomes a weapon against Ukraine

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On August 7, Reuters published photos of 19-year-old Ukrainian Yaroslava Mahuchikh, who won bronze in the high jump, embracing the Russian athlete, who won gold. The responses of some Ukrainians to the photo were more than sharp. Then the Lviv karateka Stanislav Horuna sided with her, and the scandal flared up again.
Photo of Yaroslava Mahuchikh. Why one should not embrace Russian athletes

Photo of Yaroslava Mahuchikh. Why one should not embrace Russian athletes

It was hardly an operation of the Russian secret services. Most likely, this was an emotional and reckless act of the athlete (Yaroslava Mahuchikh is also a junior lieutenant at the Ukrainian Armed Forces). And it is unlikely that the Lviv karate fighter (member of the Lviv district council) Stanislav Horuna decided to play up to the Russian propaganda by writing a post on Facebook with a call to end the harassment of Mahuchikh and, in general, to keep politics out of sport. Most Ukrainians who angrily criticized both athletes did so out of sincere indignation. But all this scandal and its consequences «pros» from the FSB can claim as their victories. Regardless of the intentions of all those involved and critics, this case fits into the main outline of Russian psychological special operations in Ukraine. But let’s consider everything seriatim.

On August 7, Reuters published photos of 19-year-old Ukrainian Yaroslava Mahuchikh, who had just won a bronze medal in the high jump, hugging a Russian athlete who won gold in the same event. The responses of some Ukrainians to these photos were more than sharp. It was immediately reminded that Russian athlete Maria Latsiskene is a captain of the Russian Armed Forces, and in 2019 she was Vladimir Putin’s trusted representative during the elections. 

Only the paranoid will look for something more in this act than just a mistake made due to the lack of appropriate instruction, youth, or emotions. Maybe there was simply no one around who would say that it was wrong to hug the representatives of the country that killed your fellows. 

However, there is no doubt how exactly these photos will be used by Russian propaganda. For example, one Russian media outlet commenting on the same images expressed hope that «despite this all» happening between Ukraine and Russia «people should remain human beings, regardless of politics». Remember this message, it will be discussed later. In a country where everything – art, sports, economy – is subordinated to the ruling elite’s interests, it can not be otherwise. This was normal in the Soviet Union, and today’s Kremlin «tenants» are its successors. After all, at the last press conference, Putin himself started an old song about «brotherly nations» again. And here, the Ukrainian gave a wonderful illustration of this message – just look how sincerely Russian and Ukrainian athletes embrace! And where? On the Olympic pedestal in Tokyo. So what kind of war can we talk about?

However, the scandal did not end there. Ukrainian karate fighter, bronze medalist of the 2020 Olympics Stanislav Horuna stood up for his colleague. However, he did so in such a way that the scandal flared up again. 

Post by Stanislav Horuna. Or why crime cannot be called politics

«Politics should be kept out of sport!», Horuna wrote, among other things, in a memorable post on Facebook. And it is this message that, for some reason, became the main target of many critics. He was reminded that he, as an athlete, did not stay away from politics, as he was elected a member of the Lviv district council. He received the place on the list, probably, not because of his activism but because he was a well-known boxer. And, in general, international sports competitions are always about politics because the participants represent countries, not teams, clubs, or themselves. 

Arguing over the sense of this message, we have overlooked another, much more dangerous one: obviously, Horuna meant by «politics» the relations between Ukraine and Russia. More precisely, Russia’s armed and hybrid aggression against Ukraine. And this is an obvious substitution of concepts. To call killings of soldiers, shelling of civilians, constant supplies of ammunition and uniforms to militants in eastern Ukraine «politics» is more than a mistake. This is an unconscious crime indulgence.

Igor Girkin, a citizen of the Russian Federation, former FSB colonel, and probably an employee of the GRU, is not a politician. He is a war criminal officially indicted for violating the laws and customs of war and shooting down MH17 flight. His accomplices – criminals – seized administrative buildings in 2014, fired on Ukrainian citizens, and simply engaged in looting. The killings of civilians and the Ukrainian servicemen are not politics. This is a criminal offense. The annexation of the territory of another state, the support of militants and murderers are not politics, but a crime against humanity. The decision of the Russian Federation Council in March 2014, which authorized the use of Russian Armed Forces on the territory of another state, is also a violation of both the Russian national laws and international law.

You don’t have to be an international lawyer to understand this. We just have to remember that a similar case 80 years ago ended with the Nuremberg tribunal and the trial of Nazi criminals. And, of course, Putin and his henchmen are waiting for their tribunal in the future. 

However, the message that everything happening between Ukraine and Russia since 2014 is not war and crime, but only some «politics», was thrown into the Ukrainian information space by Russian propagandists in 2014.

We need to remember the so-called «riots against mobilization» in 2014-2015, which were orchestrated by the Russian secret services. At that time, in several regions of Ukraine, previously unknown people under the guise of mothers or wives of servicemen protested against the announced mobilization. The purpose of these actions was obvious: to disrupt mobilization measures and undermine Ukraine’s ability to resist Russian aggression. And one of the key messages that could demotivate the Ukrainians was the assertion that «there is no war in the East» and «two fraternal peoples have nothing to divide». Conversely, the war was allegedly the result of a «conspiracy of politicians who thus earn their living». It’s interesting that the Russian propagandists clearly defined the circle of these «politicians» on the Ukrainian side – Turchynov, Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, but, for some reason, never listed the Russian «politicians» who took part in this «terrible conspiracy». However, this message proved to be quite effective both for the Russians (because it was presented as a virtually uncontested version of these events) and for some Ukrainians. 

In the international arena, the Kremlin regime uses a slightly modified version. The war in eastern Ukraine is presented as internal Ukrainian politics. According to this version, a civil war between pro-Russian and pro-Western Ukrainians is allegedly going on in Ukraine. 

The discrepancies between Russian propaganda and the real situation and the evidence that the conflict in eastern Ukraine is orchestrated and supported by Russia are so obvious that the number of Ukrainians who believe in the official Russian version decreases every year. This is confirmed by the latest data from opinion polls conducted in Ukraine. 

There are fewer and fewer opportunities to modify hybrid versions of reality for official Russian propaganda. Therefore, there is no doubt that Russian «reality engineers» will readily make use of this «case». The message «keep politics out of sport» will easily turn into «friendship of fraternal peoples» and «there is no war, but there is a conspiracy of politicians». 

Phrases so carelessly spoken or written become weapons against the whole nation. Similar examples of official Russian propaganda can be cited in the case of the Russian aggression in Georgia in 2008. Then, too, according to the official Kremlin version, there was no occupation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but there was a civil war. Russian soldiers on the territory of a foreign country allegedly performed a «peacekeeping mission». 

As a result, politicians, experts, and journalists argue about whether politics can be kept out of sport or not, subconsciously accepting the false and harmful message that the war in the East is politics. This is the first negative result of this situation. However, there is another. 

Favorite business of Ukrainians

The willingness of Ukrainians to label anyone who doesn’t fit into the generally accepted framework as mortal enemies – for objective or personal (much more often) reasons – is really impressive. The level of the emotional response of Ukrainians to the situations described above very quickly crossed the line of adequacy and reached completely new heights. «Traitor», «whore», and just «stupid cow» are the most censored versions of what users of the Ukrainian segment of Facebook pour on compatriots.

The destructive reaction to the «Olympic faux pas», unfortunately, is not an exception, but rather a typical algorithm of behavior for Ukrainians. It existed in the «pre-Facebook» and even pre-digital era. And this trait is well known to Russian experts. They skillfully use it for their purposes. Ukrainians are now divided into those who support athletes and those who condemn them, those who do it gently, and others who «hate to the fullest». The main topic of the conflict is divided into subtopics and secondary, full of hatred, «shitstorms». As a result, there is nothing left that unites Ukrainians except for abstract issues that cannot truly unite anyone. Ukrainian society, divided into bubbles, full of real, sincere hatred towards each other and for everyone around, comes to the same sad result which more than 300 years ago was aptly described by Ivan Mazepa, a victim of the same social hatred, though in the distant pre-digital era. The hetman uttered from the bottom of his heart, describing the reasons for the military defeat: «We all perished due to disagreements, we defeated ourselves!» Many Ukrainian politicians, including several presidents over the past 30 years, could agree with this complaining of their fellow citizens. 

Thus, the inability of Ukrainians to strike compromises and find common positions, despite disagreements, turns into a weapon against themselves. The inability and unwillingness to distinguish important unifying values ​​from petty inconsistencies cost Ukrainians statehood and independence several times. The reason is the lack of experience of Ukrainians living together in one coordinate system, defined by a shared worldview, or at least state borders. The maturation of society lies precisely in the ability to distinguish the important from the small and in the ability to determine priorities. It is unlikely that an authoritarian leader or a «wise party» in power can speed up this process. Hard times, like no other, contribute to such maturation. This is a chance for Ukraine.

Of course, this is a long process that does not tolerate pressure, interferences, or accelerations. However, if we talk about the case described above, perhaps proper instructing Ukrainian athletes would help avoid a scandal, especially when it comes to servicemen of the Armed Forces. In the end, the military leadership, like the heads of state, must clearly and consistently adhere to the position that the Russian Federation is the enemy. Any contact with its representatives (except for the release of hostages or de-occupation of territories) is toxic for both a public figure and an ordinary Ukrainian. On the other hand, the ambivalence of the ruling elite towards, for example, Russian musicians is perceived by many Ukrainians as a confirmation of the manipulative message that the war is not real. The same goes for businesses. Indeed, how can you trade with a country that is at war with your people? If the trade is going on and the musicians are coming, it means that either those who allow it break the law or they lie to us about the war. Many Ukrainian, «persuaded» by Russian propaganda, choose the second explanation. 

Although many would call such state position too rigid because of «long shared history» and «close economic ties» that require more flexibility, such «flexibility» generates ideological schizophrenia in most Ukrainians, when «the enemy is not quite enemy» and «the war is not real». The powerful enemy propaganda machine bombards the brains with messages about «brotherly peoples». Such a firm position is not only a way to avoid similar scandals but also, in the long run – the only way for politicians to stay in power in Ukraine. The real situation narrows the scope for maneuver for any government in Ukraine. Their poles can be defined as follows: either the government in Ukraine becomes truly Ukrainian, or its representatives end up somewhere in conditional Rostov in Russia.

Viktor Bishchuk, political analyst

Translated by Dmytro Borysov

Main photo: 24 Kanal

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