On the first line. The story of volunteers who supply equipment to the frontline

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«Lviv Knight» passes all items to the soldiers specifically, not to the brigadier general or the Ministry of Defense.
image by tvoe misto

image by tvoe misto

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«Your binoculars saved our lives.» Such messages are received by volunteers of the «Lviv Knight» organization, which has existed for 8 years. As Andrii Saliuk, the coordinator of «Lviv Knight», noted in our video story project «On the First Line», their organization transfers devices, optics and high-precision equipment to the front directly to those who are at war and only what really saves lives.

Andrii Saliuk is the Head of the Society of Monuments Protection. But now, according to him, the best monument protectors are our guys in the East, so it’s necessary to help them defend this cultural heritage.

«Lviv Knight» buys only what helps the boys survive, fight and win the war.

«We use absolutely all opportunities to find devices, buy them, bring to Ukraine and pass on to those who need them at the front. Someone brings us things, someone donates money to purchase them. We’ve been making many items ourselves since 2014. This is something that is very much needed at the front, but not in free sale. Some of them are exclusively our inventions,» – he says.

Read also: On the first line. How Lviv’s choir «Dudaryk» opened the shelter of St. Lazarus for refugees

University professors, librarians, prosecutors and guides come to volunteer in the organization and help the «Lviv Knight».

On the wall in the organization’s premises hangs a flag with the chevrons of those units they’ve been helping since 2014. All the items are handed over not to the brigadier general or the Ministry of Defense, but specifically to the soldiers who are at war. The Lviv Knight works mostly with the middle level of the command staff and with ordinary soldiers who fight directly. Quite often, the things they had passed on to the boys, later saved their lives.

«I was very impressed when the messenger of «Lviv Knight» received a short message «Hello. You once gave us binoculars. Thank you a lot, because a few days ago it saved the lives of us all.» It’s all very difficult to remember because it’s quite emotional. When I turn to people who help us, I often say that thanks to their money, a mother will hug her son, or a mother at the front will hug her child because she will return alive. Because these things save the lives of our soldiers.» – Andrii Saliuk adds.

Organization’s unchangeable motto is: «War affects everyone, victory depends on everyone.»

You can help the «Lviv Knight» organization by making a donation at the street Kopernika, 40A in Lviv. Or contact the numbers: +380677729442, +380679397019.

We will add that the media hub «Tvoe Misto» has launched a project of video stories «On the First Line» about those who help Ukrainians during the war – on the front line or in the rear. This is a series of short videos about war heroes, about their systematic work in defense of the country and hometown. The video will be published in two languages: Ukrainian and English.

Read more stories «On the first line» here:

The actors started weaving masking nets. Lviv Now’s project «On the first line» filmed their new craft

On the first line. How two friends from Lviv began to sew unloading vests for the army

«To take the wounded over the night, we drive to the touch.» war story of a paramedic

A story of the oncologist who treats children despite the war. Our new video project «On the first line

Translated by Vitalii Holich

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Lviv Now is an English-language website for Lviv, Ukraine’s «tech-friendly cultural hub.» It is produced by Tvoe Misto («Your City») media-hub, which also hosts regular problem-solving public forums to benefit the city and its people.


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